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  • Believe for the fulfillment

    Posted by Tamara Franchuk on August 12, 2024 at 8:32 AM

    “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things that were told her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45 

    it’s often easier to believe at the start of every endeavor for great things. But the blessing comes from being able to believe all the way through to the fulfillment of the promise. 

    it’s in the messy middle where we tend to struggle to believe that things are going to turn out like the picture God gave you. But Mary found a kind of faith that carried her through the struggles, the challenges, the difficulties, the many reasons to doubt the decision…. 

    but I’m convinced that the capacity to believe for the fulfillment comes from saying yes ahead of time! 

    I mean the kind of yes that’s a real decision! Decide up front to believe there will be a fulfillment. Decide before you hit the challenges that it’s going to be worth it and that it’s going to be accomplished! Decide BEFORE you run into reasons to quit … that quitting isn’t an option! Decide the terms of your part of the promise which should be to give yourself away for the promise; so you can see the harvest! More importantly you …. Become…. The harvest! – A drink offering that can be poured out on many! They believe… because you believed! 

    what will your yes cost you? Everything! But dreaming is always free. The price is the journey. But you were built for the journey. Blessed is -——- (throw your name in there. For she (I) believe  God for the FULFILLMENT… of His promise! Declare this over your life today! Over your children, over your business! I dare you to believe!

    Tamara Franchuk replied 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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