
The Busy Girl’s Code digital planner


The Busy Girl Code is the same code, only digital. Download the pdf and insert into your good notes, notable or several of the other apps available for download on your iPad and go to work. You are sure to love this digital version of the Busy Girl’s code.

Attention all planner enthusiasts! The Busy Girl’s Code is the ultimate planning companion, packed with 302 pages of organization bliss. This planner covers every aspect of your life, from work projects to leisure activities, and even includes sections for managing your kitchen and wardrobe. Plus, it goes above and beyond by providing tools for debt reduction and financial planning.

But wait, there’s more! The Busy Girl’s Code also offers space for journaling, with guided plans for ten-minute Bible studies that include self-reflection, gratitude exercises, and much more. This planner is truly a one-of-a-kind gem that will revolutionize the way you approach planning.


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