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"I will mount up on wings and soar"

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Our Most Popular Courses

Always a pleasure serving our members!

1 Lesson

The Busy Girl’s Guide To Success ebook

Busy Girls have places to go, people to love, as well as organizations to join. Then after getting the kids to soccer and home, they get to anticipate date night with their love. Add in the stress of aging parents - where is the time for you? What if you dream bigger; want a new business, or enterprise? With all the "stuff" of life surrounding us, we often find ourselves too busy to build structure for life and barely surviving! Are you ready to break out of survival mode and create success? Search no more! The BUSY Girl’s GUIDE to Success is just the prescription you need to take busy by the horns, scratch out survival and thrive, succeed and flourish! Let’s go!

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7 Lessons

Spiritual Gifts

Have you ever wondered what your "super power" was? Ok, so maybe not, but you do know that God has designed each and of us with unique spiritual and natural gifts?  You even have passions that are uniquely yours. Isn't it time you got acquainted with you? Isn't it time, you took the time to pause long enough to see how you're hard wired? To get clear on the environment you're most likely to excel in and how you would best serve your church and community? I'm totally confident you'll be changed, challenged and charged to show up differently after you take this course. 

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7 Lessons

7 Letters to faith, hope and courage!

The book of Revelations unveils Jesus Christ instructing John of Patmos "to write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches. The churches are: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. All unique congregations with strengths and weakness and God calls them all to repentance. You might be surprises how much like you and I these congregants are and how a deep dive into their issues could expose and heal some of our own. This course will definitely build your faith, convictions and hopes for a difficult time in our nation!

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5 Lessons

Truth Serum

“Truth Serum” is colloquial name for a range of psychoactive drugs used to force individuals to tell the truth when…

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2 Lessons

The Busy Girl’s Guide to bible study

“Bible study may seem like a daunting task, reserved only for theologians and experts. With our hectic daily lives, who…

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0 Lessons

E.M.R.G. Academy

Welcome to the Library of Peak Performance Growth, where life is crafted to its fullest potential in every dimension. This…

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3 Lessons

Karess Test 7/7

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0 Lessons

Cracking The Code

This exclusive series is available only to owners of the code. It is a comprehensive, growing library of video help,…

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1 Lesson

Welcome to busy girl U

Welcome to Busy Girl University, where powerful women transform the chaos of ‘busy’ into clarity and purpose. Dive into monthly…

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1 Lesson

Dominion Days

Unlock the secret to unparalleled success with our “Dominion Days: Mastering Your Morning Routine” master class. This transformative class is…

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2 Lessons

Power Moves

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1 Lesson

Get in tune with your inner spiritual man and change your business

What if you could change the trajectory of your business and life by simply getting in tune with your inner…

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3 Lessons

Finding me ~

Welcome to the transformative Finding Me masterclass, where we embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. This meticulously…

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