I often wonder about the way we use the word, “Perfect!” In light of the fact that we misuse the word. We so often miss the beauty and wonder of moments, people, nature (as you so poignantly pointed out) and ourselves!
When “something” or someone is fulfilling purpose, it is being used perfectly! When we live in purpose we are perfect. Lastly, God sees us as perfect! Perfect in our western culture typically is equated with “Infallible.” We are definitely fail-able! However, we are perfect in the eyes of God. Perfect for him means perfectly created, perfectly designed and perfect for HiM!
If we sat with that truth longer than we sat with the feelings of imperfection and focusing on our flaws… I’m convinced we would enjoy more of the moments life hands us and we would live and love more completely.
How has feelings of imperfection, effected how you live, love and experience special moments in life?