You my dear, are God’s product!

  • You my dear, are God’s product!

    Posted by Tamara on March 1, 2023 at 5:01 PM

    You are His workmanship. The canvas on which God has painted His designs, molded His earthen vessels and written His story. Have you examined the “you product” well enough to give God full usage of His work of art here on earth?

    Have you ever purchased an item and only used it to a fraction of it’s potential due to the fact that you didn’t take the time to get to know well enough how to use it, what it’s capable of or all nuances to its unique design?

    I have and with some of those products I shelved or put them away in a closet because I stopped using it. Gave myself the excuse, “I’ll pull it back out when I get the time to figure it out.”

    Well, I’m opening up the discussion due to the fact that I have a study (masterclass) coming out soon on the subject of God’s product. Are you able to be used to the full extent of your potential? Can God use you fully… or are you so unacquainted with your own design that you are sitting on a shelf or in a closet frustrated by your own potential? Have you investigated your gifts? Have you discovered your own unique design and abilities?

    You’re on display…what do see what He sees???

    Tamara replied 1 year, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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Tamara Marcella Ministries